Happy start of December. Wait . . . where did November go?
As winter cold hits us here in the Pacific Northwest, things are pressing on full speed in warm temps in Burundi. High temps this time of the year are in the upper 70°s to low 80°s with rainy days about half of the time. So, things are not slowing down for our projects.
Sewing School
On December 12 the school will have a graduation ceremony for 31 people who have taken the 8 months of training—one of the biggest classes we have had in a while! This is, as always, a big thing, and we look forward to hearing about it and getting pictures from our director, Pastor Boniface. The picture here is of the graduation in September in which you can see the radiant joy of folks who have accomplished something tremendous and opened up a potential for meaningful work and a way to provide for their families.
As well as a celebration with refreshments, Boniface will share from God’s Word about how hope, real hope, is not found in machines or in material things but ultimately in Jesus Christ. This is a time to share the good news of Jesus to family and visitors who come to the graduation. (More about the spiritual impact of Sowing Hope)
Farming Project
In spite of a small setback, the ladies involved in farming are pressing ahead. The owner of one of the two fields they had rented changed her mind and decided to farm the plot herself and returned their money. Undeterred, they found another plot and are now planting rice as this is the wet season.
Big Trip
After visiting Burundi in 2022 we are planning to visit again in early 2025. We are delighted that new members to our board, Paul and Karen, will be joining us. We have a number of goals for this visit.
Together with Pastor Boniface we will look to see how we can enhance the work of the sewing school as well as the farming project. This involves a lot of discussion and face to face time which is so important for our understanding and his. One of our goals is to see these efforts grow to becoming self-sustaining, something challenging for the school but close to realization for the farming project.
We also are considering the purchase of land for the farming project as well as hoping to start a new project that is geared primarily toward men.
Usually we end our letters with an invitation to help support the purchase of sewing machines and staff salaries, but at this time all of those needs have been met, thank God! However, we would like to share with you the opportunity to give toward the development of new projects which we hope to develop on our trip.
We also ask prayer for wisdom on our trip as we navigate a culture very different from our own using French and English. It is at times daunting and we need God’s help to be effective and useful in communicating God’s love and helping to build hope for some of the poorest people in the world.
Warmly in Christ,
Tim & Leslie Boettcher